Collaborative relationship, necessary

In times as turbulent as those we are living nowadays,  our Companies  have to stop and sharpen the ax, or perhaps and more difficult, we have to get rid of the ax because the trees have changed and we need another kind of tool. This has always been the way right?
Entre todos hacemos Urbincasa

Yesterday we chat with Juan Lucas González our Construction Area Manager,. Those of you, suppliers, customers and friends, who know him personally  know that he is a direct and thoughtful person, always with a nice and interesting talk.
The “Co-Creation”, “Coopetence”, Team Spirit, Training, are terms that already appear within our corporate DNA. The integral relation with all suppliers, customers, employees has become one of our major commitments. We all bring colour to our work. We hope you enjoy reading this article.
“It’s time to maximize efficiency, to keep ourselves in a stand up position, based on making things better and in a more economical way, to move forward, to improve constantly everything that was made “only well” or even “very well” up to date.
It’s time to appreciate and know how to manage talent, to make a good work  from an ethic and professional point of view. It is also time to foster the ability of  creating value continuously. We always have to have time to innovate and be ahead of our own time.
It’s time to learn, relearn, to adapt to the contingencies that surround us,

to the continuous changes that affect us and that require us to be like a reed, slim and strong at the same time.  We must be “Resilient”,  this term currently  used by consultants.
It is time to improve and to adapt the processes, reducing and eliminating those that do not add value and that are not necessary and  securing and strengthening those necessary. We have to do this even if it implies a redefining of your Core Business, that is, your own business heart.
Being all the  above  mentioned necessary , it won’t be enough unless it is done through collaborative relationships, being able to align your strategy to the different actors involved in your process, in your present and future business. We must depart from exploring these external and internal agents and valuing them according to their potential interaction with the Company and their ability to generate pace.
You need to be surrounded by responsible partners who will help to achieve a perfect communion among all the stages and processes. These partners will also help to improve your own service and to strengthen the assessment of it by the final customer. The final customer must also be represented in the group of contributors quoted above. ”
Are you our partner? We would like your comment.

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