Socialmorphosis. If we are happy, you too

D5: El Optimista The other day our friend Raul , had the opportunity to talk about the our experience within the framework of the event Social Media Addicts Murcia.

An incredible opportunity to explain the changes that we are implementing in the company with the main idea of improving the work environment through training, transparency, and collaboration between all of us Urbincasa, the #UrbinEquipo.

We changed the topic of “People are the greatest asset of a company” to “The company is you.”

We have to make use the technological tools available nowadays and internalize the core values ​​of Social Media:

  • Listen to your partner, surely has something interesting to bring you. We do not know everything.
  • Share, asking nothing in return, knowledge, ideas, share also your lunch sandwich !
  • Talk in both directions, supplement, discuss, question us, we are not perfect!
  • Co-create, is very easy to obtain something from the 3 tips above: a project, an idea to develop, and all this make people feel fulfilled.
  • Empathy, the most important, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes .We spend many hours together. We are a family and as such, we have our ups and downs, but that is life.

And if we are happy inside, we transmit happiness outside…. to you, to our customers, our suppliers ..neighbours, friends.

It’s nothing new, Social CRM, Marketing 3.0 has many names … …

Raul called it “SocialMorphosis”, and he love it. Can you help us to SocialMorpholise?

See you soon!

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

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