Sport values to the companies?

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José Vicente Lledó (@jvlledo), is one of those guys that we like to have in our team. In the #UrbinEquipo. He is a real Sales Consultant Expert in Homes, who advise in the best and honest way to all those clients who visit our different projects in Santa Pola, Playa de San Juan, or Guardamar.

He wrote this article in our magazine “Entrelares”, an interesting text to think about. Thank you José Vicente.

We could start this article wondering:

What’s the relation between the sport values and the values of enterprises and life? In my opinion there are many connections between them.

This affirmation has been confirmed indeed, every time I have the chance I go and visit El Campello’s sport area for seeing the football training of my son, sometimes I receive some reports about the values they want to transmit to all those kids who wants to develop a career in the sport world (in my son’s case is football), I believe that if we were willing to enforce these values to the business world, many companies would success more despite of the current economical situation.

I lived as best as I can the integration and learning process of football with my son, and I can say that everyday I come back home after his football training I talk with my son and he teaches me something new, specially when I read together the football leaflets issued by his football academy such a the new rules, the training forecasts, or simply when I talk with his football trainer I also learn lot of things about football.

Maybe you wonder: what is learned exactly?


My son wrongly thought that who scored a goal was the best of the team, but little by little he understood that goal is the result of team play, and without the full team would be difficult to score goals alone. Little by little he realized that he belongs to a team with a common objective.

And what’s the common objective of junior football players? Perhaps many people would answer “win a match”, but is not so. If we think so we are wrong, the main objective is they to grow as athletes and even more important to grow as persons.

My son has learned to share the locker room with his fellows, to pass the ball, to help the team, to undertake a strict training timetable everyday, to be happy and responsible, and respect the other fellows. What we think, about sport only, or rather about values that we could apply in the company we are working for or simply our day by day?

I am working for a company and we have a great commercial team, sometimes when I am resting at home I wonder…Why we are not able to apply sport values to the companies? If we belong to a commercial team, why we can’t think that we belong to a football team where the goal star is not anyone in particular but the full team? even the Commercial Manager of Production Manager are small without the smallest link of the chain

Would be great we to transmit sport values to our own companies, values such a fellowship, respect, honestly, work, being on time in the office, motivation, overcoming and recognition, responsibility, and effort… 

I am sure that would be positive to apply all these values in our company. Football players learn from the childhood to cooperate, to motivate, to be solidary with the rest, to not to refuse his fellows, but above all to overcome himself and not to objurgate to the rest, when someone is better than you, we must admit and congratulate. There is not need to have a good sport body to success in sports, but is essential to be constant and responsible in the day by day. 

I remember me beside one of my son’s fellow father, and suddenly he asked to the trainer: My son is good, does not he? Does he play good? The trainer answered “Yes, he plays nice, but they are only kids and the most important is sport education and that they can transmit these values to their normal life”. The trainer explained that a football player can be good in his childhood, but he can get blocked for different reasons and don’t progress, and by contrast other player less good can advance with education, constancy, and professionalism. 

A good football player never get down when things are going badly, therefore we must apply this now not only to our working days, but also to our normal day by day. We can’t discourage when things are getting bad, especially in the nowadays hard business situation. We ought to be professionals, to fight, to make big efforts to give our best, to come our all values we learned in our childhood.

We must give our best to overcome, awake up if we fall and admit, and never surrender. Is not enough to shine as good sportsman, moreover a sportsman must support the team’s interests above his own interests, and furthermore the good sportsman knows that the most important is participate and above all do it fairly.

This article is part of our magazine “Entrelares”, you can get your free copy in our sale offices or read online. We trust you like it.



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