Living near the beach: the benefits of the sea

beneficios del mar

Living by the sea has many advantages in addition to the wonderful views and the coolness and joy the sea provides during the hot summer months.

beneficios del marOf course we are all different and every person fares well in different circunstances, but in general terms living near the sea means a number of major advantages.

Specifically, a study by the University of Exeter claims that living near the sea stimulates a more active life and that in itself makes us healthier.

The walks on the beach, for example, improve blood and lymphatic circulation and strengthen the tendons of the feet. While walking along the shore, we breathe air that is rich in iodine and other elements that might function as natural anti depressants.

People who have their house on the spanish coast tend to swim in the sea off the summer season and these baths activate blood circulation, improve skin hydration and the sand makes a natural exfoliant.

Bathing in the sea requires us to compensate for currents and waves and in that way our muscles are forced to work, in a gentle way.

But not only the purely physical benefits are reported, the most important benefit is that living near the sea helps us to maintain our mental health. It is demonstrated that the simple act of looking at the sea reduces stress. On the coast, problems such as insomnia or anxiety are reduced living conditions.

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