Walking Net, or I Road Networking in Cartagena

networking en cartagena

It’s nice to attend events where people with ideas and desire to do new things meet. Therefore we have repeated our experience with CEEIC and INFO at the conference in Cartagena.
networking en cartagenaA few months ago we participated in the entrepreneurial Reed II organized in Cartagena to talk to prospective entrepreneurs about Creating Digital Communities.

On this occasion, the CEEIC turned this event into a route visiting several places in the center of the city (hence the “Walking Net”) and with the URBINCASA team again present, this time to talk about search engine optimization (SEO)

The day began with the experience of our friend Raul G.Serapio with his new project Compraactiva and the corresponding questions from the audience about launching a business, raising finance, team building , etc.

Then came our time and the other mentors who gave some advice to the new projects that sought to clarify concepts on how to expose in the digital world their business ideas.

networking en cartagena
Social Media, SEO, Web Design and Marketing were the four aspects of which spoke Borja Torras, Patricia Magro, Javier Marín and Ercarna Hernandez. In the picture the first three:

networking en cartagenaLike all previous events, the day was spend exchanging professional experiences in a friendly environment while enjoying the local cuisine and hospitality thanks to the four businesses who helped with the event.

We hope that in the future another “walking” route or any other network event will be organized in Cartagena; we will certainly participate again!

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

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