“Las Drizas” Foundation Stone

casas en cabo de palos

After many rainy, cold days, the weather was in our side and offered us the first sunny, warm, spring morning to celebrate the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony with “Las Drizas” owners.

Even if the construction was nearly finished, this gathering was still called “Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony” because the main act is quite similar to the one carried out in public works at the beginning of the job.

By contrast, this allowed us to celebrate the ceremony in a setting quite close to the final scenery. The apartments buildings and duplex blocks façades as well as the swimming pool were already showing their finish.

This gathering, where housings owners and Urbincasa team meet, is always special for both parts: the owners can appreciate the evolution of the works and imagine how living there will be, and the Urbincasa team can enjoy a well done job, and, in many cases, meet the owners for the first time.

The owners were offered a case to put their dreams and wishes in. Then the cases were buried near the swimming pool, which will be full of water soon =)

Let’s hope all their dreams and wishes come true and “Las Drizas” become the home of good news and happiness!

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

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