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Nominee because of our work with the Russian Market

premio tot en rus OP

It’s been a while since we expanded our agents network and our commercialization in the international market, addressing our efforts to the Russian Market because there are many citizens of this country who decide to come to our shores to purchase their holiday houses or even to find their new home in a warmer weather to enjoy the beach.

premio tot en rus

As a result of this effort, last Friday we attended to the first awards organised by the magazine Tot en Rus as one of the nominee companies in the category of better Spanish company that Works with the Russian Market.

“It is a deserved nomination, because it is the result of an important investment that we are doing since a long time in Urbincasa to make known our splendid coast to the Russian citizens. Thanks to this we were able of attract to Spain the flow of tourist and investors that until now were going to other destinations as Croatia, Egypt, Bulgaria or Turkey”.Francisco Cervantes, General Manager of Urbincasa.

In our more than 45 years History we characterized by the careful selection of locations and the quality, this nada possible that the Russian Citizens who decided to come to our country go for some of our residentials.

The proof of this trust increase and of our international work is that in barely two years our Russian buyers have increased a 25%.

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