The housing price rising nearly all over Spain – Urbincasa

precio de la vivienda

precio de la viviendaAfter several months of prices getting stabilized and even rising in some regions, the National Statistics Institute (INE) confirms with data that housing prices have been rising in most of the regions in Spain compared with 2014.

Only four regions are in negatives numbers: Cantabria, País Vasco, Navarra and La Rioja, all of them in the north of Spain. Among the rest of regions, Madrid and Cataluña, Valencia, Canary Islands, and Balearic Islands, have seen an important housing prices increase, it is, the main urban areas and the coast.

As a result, the national average housing price is now 1,5% higher in comparison with the first three months of 2014. It is accompanied by an increase of 9% in the number of sales.

The market upward trend for eight consecutive months allows us to state that the recovery is a fact. But let’s put all this information into context.


According to INE year-to-year information, new housings price has risen 4%, while second-hand housings price has risen 1.1%, in comparison with last year. The first three months figures are lower than the rest of the year figures, as usual, that is why we prefer to handle year-to-year statistics.

This so different results may be related to another fact: the astounding increase of second housings sales, which is 45,5% of the real estate sales market after 14 month rising.

Esta entrada también está disponible en: Spanish

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