Air conditioning with good insulation

For the last few days we have witnessed an escalation in the price of electricity in our

country coinciding with the storm #filomena, which has left us with historic snowfalls and freezing temperatures. The price per kilowatt hour has boosted 35.8% compared to the same period last year which has caused a strong rejection of the consumers and a political storm.

Having a good air conditioning system is, without a doubt, a requirement that the home buyers demand. But, those of us who work in the field of construction know that there are construction systems that contribute to preserve the homes from temperature changes, in an efficient and sustainable way.

Cajal  building in Cartagena

The Exterior Insulation and Finish System, #EIFS, which we apply in our buildings in Urbincasa, allows the maximum energy saving with the minimum impact on the environment. An evaluated system that allows saving 50% of the cost of the electricity bill, among other advantages. .

Research promoted by the Polytechnical University of Madrid, estimates a 57% reduction of energy loss. . This enveloping layer of the buildings’ facades is part of the present and, above all, is bound to be an essential element in future constructions.

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